Our Dedicated Donors
We wish to thank our dedicated donors for their selfless generosity in supporting Legal Services of the Hudson Valley. It’s through their commitment to justice and fair treatment for all that we are able to provide top level legal services to our community members free of charge.
Interested In Becoming A Donor?
- Gerstner Philanthropies
- Redlich Horwitz Foundation
- The Dyson Foundation
$50,000 - $74,999
- The Frog Rock Foundation
- Field Hall Foundation
$25,000 - $49,000
- Anonymous Donor (1)
- Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley
- David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation
- Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert
- MBIA Foundation
- Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP
- Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
- St. Joseph’s Church
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region
$10,000 - $24,999
- Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
- Boies Schiller Flexner LLP
- The Community Fund of Bronxville, Eastchester, Tuckahoe, Inc.
- The Esmond Nissim Foundation, Inc.
- MasterCard Worldwide
- PepsiCo, Inc.
- Selendy & Gay PLLC
- Sidney & Linda Rosdeitcher
- St. Faith’s House Foundation
- The Thomas and Agnes Carvel Foundation
- United Way of Ulster County
- Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLPÂ
- Yankwitt LLP
$5,000 - $9,999
- Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP
- Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
- DelBello Donnellan Weingarten Wise & Wiederkehr, LLP
- Finkelstein, Blankinship, Frei-Pearson & Garber, LLP
- Herbert Rogowsky Foundation
- Jane Sovern
- MBIA Inc.
- Montreign Operating Company, LLC
- Mutual of America
- New York Bar Foundation
- People’s United Community Foundation
- Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
- Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc
- Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meaher & Flom LLP
- Sterling National Bank Charitable Foundation
- Tammy Davis
- The Mary Norris Preyer Fund
- Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz
- Yvonne Pollack
$2,500 - $4,999
- Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP
- Joseph Brown
- Christopher Cabanillas
- Clarfeld Financial Advisors, LLC
- Alejandro Cruz
- Dianne Stern
- Bruce & Dana Freyer
- Dante Gonzalez
- Robert Herrmann
- Keane & Beane, P.C.
- Mr. Michael Kraft
- Thomas Lalla, Jr.
- M&T Charitable Foundation
- McCabe & Mack LLP
- Mintz
- Deborah Neff
- Offit Kurman
- Frances Pantaleo & Robert Freedman
- PCSB Bank
- Alison Plenge
- Diana Russo
- Salisbury Bank and Trust Company
- Andrew Schriever
- Sterling National Bank
- YourCause LLC Trustee for Mastercard International Incorporated
- James Kobak & Carol Johnson Kobak
- Gary & Lydia Kris
- Patty & Bob Laufer
- Susanne & John Manley
- Timmian C. Massie & Peter J. Clark
- Ms. Karen R. Mayer
- Senator Shelley B. Mayer
- Robert & Jessica Mayes
- Mr. Anthony McKiernan
- Janis & Alan Menken Charity Fund
- Susan Morris
- Roger Napoleon
- New Rochelle Bar Association
- Open Society Foundations National Security and Human Rights Campaign
- Judith Papo
- Irving & Sharon Picard
- Mr. Charles Poret
- Paul D. and Joyce B. Rheingold Family Foundation
- Christa & Gary Ring
- Barbara Rissman
- Steven Rosenberg & Deborah Duke
- Scalise & Hamilton LLP
- Mr. David Siegal
- Loretta Spence
- Andrea Stewart-Cousins
- Stewart’s Shops
- Lawrence Sykes
- Carol Vincent
- White Plains Hospital
$250 - $499
- Anonymous (5)
- Benjamin Allee
- Leonard & Helen Andrew
- Jane Aoyama-Martin
- Elyse Arnow Brill & Joshua Arnow
- Atlas Air / Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings, Inc
- Charles Augello
- Michelle Badami-Damore
- Idie Benjamin
- Arunabha Bhoumik
- Karen Blumenthal
- Barry Bohrer
- John & Elizabeth Bradley
- BrownTechLegal
- Christopher & Illyria Burdick
- Robert Butts
- Charles Collins Jr.
- Wayne Day
- Mark DeAgelis
- Joe DiGuglielmo
- Thomas & Janet Duggan
- Robert Goldstein
- John & Bonnie Gould
- Lina Echeverria-Aitken
- Edit Fasi
- Sara Felder
- Timothy Fisher & Nancy Johnston
- Daniel Freedman & Christine Chale
- Jane Golden
- Rosalind & David Gordon
- Eric Gordon
- Jill Israeloff Gross
- Michel Haggerty & Karen Tobias
- Andrew Hoffman
- Hon. James Hyer
- Yves Jean
- Alexandra Kaufman
- Jennifer Kennell
- William & Susan Kinnally
- Jonathan Kozak & Deborah McFarland
- Nelida Lara-Garduno
- Law Firm of William S. Greenawalt
- Geraldine Laybourne
- Lewis & Greer, P.C.
- Kate & Michael Lombardi
- Harriet Lowell
- Linda Markowitz
- Sheeba Mathai
- Edwin Maynard
- Margaret McConnell
- McCullough, Goldberger & Staudt, LLP
- Angela Morcone Giannini
- Christopher Morris
- John Murtagh
- Mutual of America Foundation
- David Newberg
- John & Jean Nonna
- Pace Women’s Justice Center
- Geoffrey Picket
- Charles Plenge
- Peter & Susan Porcino
- Sumana Rangachar
- Lynn & Mike Reichgott
- Luis Rivera
- Dwight & Kathleen Roblyer
- Howard & Julia Rosen
- Eric & Laurie Roth
- Alan Rothstein & Claire Herzberg
- Marlene U. Sauer
- Marian Schuman
- Andre Sedlak
- Barry & Gretta Seidel
- Moses Silverman
- Andrew Smith
- Ellen Sovern
- George Switnicki
- Gary Trachten
- Colin Underwood & Reiko Tanese
- Robert & Joan Walder
- John Parauda & Gretchen Walsh
- Williams Lumber & Home Centers
- Jeffrey & Allison Wintner
- Saraa Zeayter
$249 -
- Anonymous Donor (17)
- Judith F. Abruzzo
- Mark & Susan Alcott
- Carlos Aloy
- Linda Alpert
- Alan Appelbaum
- Joanne Baecher-Disalvo
- Emily Bannerman
- Spencer & Ronnie Barback
- Riley Batman
- Nick & Evelyn Beilenson
- Dawn Bennett Ladenheim & Mitchell Ladenheim
- Anne & Richard Bentzen
- Laurie Berke-Weiss
- Josanna Berkow
- Wendy Bloom
- Lisa Bluestein
- Stephen Bobolia & Paula Dowling-Bobolia
- Harvey Boneparth
- Kimberly Brackman
- Symra Brandon
- Vincent Bressi
- Renee Brousseau
- Joseph & Sue Browdy
- Frank & Vera Brown
- Rob & Grace Buck
- Felicia Buebel
- Wendy Bush Lyons
- Mari Byrne
- Nancy Campoverde
- Allan Carlin
- Corinna Carrillo
- Craig Cepler
- Jessica Cerrato
- Ciminello Family Fund of the Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley
- Deborah Clemente
- David Cognetti
- Jane & Jess Collen
- JuliaAnn Colt
- Community Awareness Network For A Drug-Free Life & Environment (CANDLE)
- Marianne Corbino
- Valeria Corral
- Jean Davide
- John A. DeGasperis
- Paul Delisio
- Mila Deloren
- George Deluca
- Nancy Devore
- Anthony Distinti
- Manek & Madhu Dodhia
- Curtis & Emily Dozier
- Brian Drabkin
- Barbara & Jesse Drake
- Kindra Dunston
- Jill Faber
- Robert Farrell , Jr.
- Thomas Farrell
- Alfred Feliu & Susan Hobart
- Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC
- Stephan & Rachelle Filipek
- Keri Fiore
- Donald Fleishaker
- Caroline Fox
- Joan & Patrick Bannerman
- Barbara Frank
- Elizabeth Frankel
- Alan Friedberg
- Janie Gaer
- Stephen & Barbara Gilbert
- Patrick & Geraldine Gilmartin
- Ginsburg & Redmond P.C.
- Peter Giuntini
- Marta Godecki
- Sandy & Jerry Goldberg
- Joseph Halprin
- Wayne & Sherri Heller
- Melina Hinton
- Steven Hughes
- Jeanne Hurley Plaia & Vincent Plaia
- Derek Imeri
- Audrey Jones
- Madeleine Jones
- Chloe Kangarlu
- Cindy Kanusher
- Ms.Laura Kaplan
- Kelly & Knaplund
- Jules & Susan Kerman
- Patricia Kirkland
- Jonathan Kolbrener
- Sandra Koss Kurtz
- Lois Kroll
- Deborah Kucewicz
- Rachel Kushel
- Hon. John La Cava
- Rachel Lapidus
- Law Office of William A. Cerbone
- Ivan Lawner
- Luz Ledesma
- Marc Lefebvre
- Richard Lefkowitz
- Kathryn Legomsky
- Edwin & Judith Leonard
- Richard Leone
- Joseph Lessem
- Levine & Montana
- Geoff Lewis
- Miaoran Li
- Ruth & Jonathan Lichter
- Randy Liebowitz
- Jeffrey Lin
- Andrea Lurie
- Jacqueline Luzar
- Douglas & Diane Maass
- Annamaria Maciocia
- Sophia Mailhos
- Eric Marks
- Laura Markson
- James Marmon
- Irene Martin Wangler
- R. Martinez
- Amanda Masters
- Thelma Mccray
- Thomas McEnerney & Carol Zerbe Hurford
- James & Maria McKee
- Edward Morgan
- Alison Morris
- Marjorie Morris
- Melissa Morris
- Lawrence Morrison
- Daniel & Carleen Murdock
- Douglas Muscillo
- Lydia Nedd
- Network for Good
- Lynda Nguyen
- John Nolon
- Lisa Nousek
- Adrienne Orbach & Regina Colangelo
- Mackenzie O’Rourke
- Raymond Ortiz
- Mary Ostaszewski
- Julie & David Passman
- Monica Patel
- Taier Perlman
- Barbara Piggery
- Yvette & Walter Plotch
- Alyson Pomerantz
- Prudence S. Posner
- Harold Pressberg
- Raghu Rangachar
- Noora Reifenheiser
- Brendan Reilly
- Victoria Rey
- James & Georgia Riley
- Joan Ritter
- Martha Roberge
- Elizabeth Roberts
- James Robertson
- Shelley Rose
- Sandi & Dan Rosenbaum
- Herbert & Janet Rosenberg
- Heath Rosenblat
- Lisa & Robert Rosenbloom
- Steven & Joan Rosenfeld
- Victor Rosenzweig
- Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan
- Ernest Rubenstein
- Wayne Rubin
- Scott Russell
- Joseph Russo, Jr.
- Alexandria Sanatore
- Sergio Sanchez
- Jamie Sanin
- Melvin Satchell
- Lee Saue
- Antonio Silvz
- Ashley Sirias
- Barbara Sirotkin
- Dr. Norman Sissman
- Cathryn Skelly
- Samantha Skillman Nee Thomson
- Merril Sobie
- Laurence Sorkin
- Michael Spotts
- Andrew P. Steinmetz
- Malcolm and Susan Stewart
- Catie Stiffler
- Jordyn Strati
- Clinton Swett
- Jessica Taylor
- Penny Thelman
- Judith Thoyer
- Marie Tisdale
- Patricia Tostanoski
- Pauline & Lawrence Ungar
- Anita Valliani
- Michael Valmas
- Joseph Waggoner
- Craig Walker
- Stan & Sue Weingast
- William Wertheim
- Ralph Wood
- Yi Hui Ivy Wu
- Carol Yu
- Florideny Zabala
- Olivia Zykoff