Veterans & Military Families
Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (LSHV) holds the conviction that veterans merit the same rights to justice domestically as they have defended internationally. To address these needs, we established our Veterans & Military Families Unit in 2012 as a comprehensive practice area, covering all our legal disciplines. This unit is operated by lawyers who are knowledgeable about and honor military traditions and culture.

How We Can Help
Acknowledging the distinct and wide-ranging legal issues faced by veterans, particularly women and recent returnees, these challenges frequently stem from their service experiences, leading to physical and mental health issues in civilian life. However, understanding and accessing these benefits can be daunting.
Our Veterans & Military Families Unit aims to prevent homelessness among veterans and their families, remove employment obstacles, and help achieve or maintain financial stability. Veterans with honorable or general discharges qualify for various benefits, including disability compensation, pension plans, affordable healthcare, and educational assistance.
Veterans with less than honorable discharge statuses may initially be ineligible for these benefits, but with legal assistance, there’s a possibility to amend their discharge status, thereby unlocking needed benefits and safeguarding their rights.
Areas We Can Advise In
- Veteran’s Administration Benefits
- Military Discharge Upgrades
- Military Records Corrections
- Homelessness Prevention
- Eviction from Private, Public, or Subsidized Housing
- Wills and Trusts
- POAs, Advanced Directives, and Living Wills
- Social Security Income (SSI)
- Social Security Disability (SSD)
- Bankruptcy and Debt Relief
- Financial Scams
- Employment Issues
- Divorce, Separation, Annulment
- Child Support, Custody, Visitation
- Domestic Violence

What You Can Expect from LSHV
Veterans seeking assistance from LSHV can expect specialized support tailored to their unique needs, including assistance with housing, government benefits, and employment issues. The organization provides free civil legal services, ensuring that veterans have access to justice and the necessary resources to improve their quality of life.
LSHV offers veterans a comprehensive approach to legal challenges, with dedicated attorneys experienced in veterans’ affairs. These legal professionals can navigate the complexities of veteran benefits, disability claims, and other civil matters. This support is crucial in helping veterans maintain stability and secure their rights under the law.
Looking for Veterans Legal Forms?
We offer a full library of resources available for download.