

In 2014, LSHV collaborated with legal services providers across New York State to create and endorse an agreed-upon compact — Leadership and Diversity Principles and Goals — and subsequently deployed our Inclusion Council. These guidelines and our council’s work mirror our commitment to serving a diverse range of clients and our goal of fostering diversity within our LSHV Team.

How We See Our Role

At Legal Services of the Hudson Valley (LSHV), we are committed to justice and advocacy that meets the needs of our community. Every day, our dedicated and diverse team works tirelessly to ensure that no one in our region is denied the right to legal representation due to income.

From housing and family law to disability benefits and consumer rights, our services are designed to protect and empower the most vulnerable among us. We stand firm in our commitment to uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals, providing expert legal guidance and support.


Legal Services of the Hudson Valley is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in order to empower our employees, clients and the communities that we serve.


  • Use our diverse backgrounds to innovate & problem solve
  • Attract & retain diverse talent at all levels
  • Increase engagement, motivation & productivity


LSHV is actively inclusive in its recruitment, hiring, development and engagement of all staff and providing services to our clients and communities.

Racial Justice

In response to the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, the Inclusion Council initiated a voluntary discussion open to all, where employees shared their own experiences with racism. From this conversation and based on team suggestions, the Council created opportunities for enhancing historical awareness through continuous education, establishing affinity groups, conducting an internal review, and offering training in litigation related to systemic racism.

To further facilitate this ongoing discussion, the Council provided screenings and conversation for all employees on Ava Duvernay’s renowned documentary “13th” and the series “Watchmen” to deepen everyone’s understanding of the 13th Amendment, the extensive incarceration of Black and Brown individuals, and the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. In addition, the Council also created working groups to review, act upon, and implement the recommendations made by the overall team.

Gender Pronouns

Using someone’s correct pronouns is a fundamental way to honor their gender identity and them as individuals. Misusing pronouns can lead to feelings of disrespect, invalidation, dismissal, alienation, or dysphoria, often all at once for the individual affected.

Why are gender pronouns important? First, it is a fundamental aspect of respecting an individual’s identity and experiences. Gender pronouns are closely tied to an individual’s sense of self and identity; using the correct pronouns acknowledges and affirms their gender identity. Second, it fosters an inclusive and respectful environment. When people make an effort to use the correct pronouns, it signals a culture of acceptance and respect for diversity, encouraging openness and a sense of safety for everyone to express their true selves. Last, it educates and raises awareness about gender diversity, challenging binary norms and promoting a more nuanced understanding of gender.